Friday, April 5, 2013


My kiddos love applesauce and so does my husband. A home canned pint will last through one meal. I made it for the first time a few years ago. It was hard work! Since then I have purchased a nifty device that peels, cores and slices the apples. That little $25 made such a difference.

Tonight I have some on the stove. For me this is a labor of love. I work all day, then come home and start peeling. Now I don't say this to be superwoman. It is just something I enjoy. The sound of the canning jar's "POP" is like nothing else. You have succeeded. It doesn't matter what is tastes like at this point, all that matters is that it sealed.

There is nothing to some applesauce. Throw some apples and water into a pot and let it go. You can leave the skins on or take the off. It's your call. Toss in some cinnamon if it suits you. Once the apples smell wonderful and have cooked, the fun begins. Use a potato masher, blender or food processor to get the consistency you want. If you want it chunky go easy on the sauce. If you like it move like liquid let that blender rip.

You can serve it right away, let it cool then eat or process it for later. Any way you go, you will be hooked.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Our Food Testers

We have four testers in our house.

I'm a lover of all things California. I grew up in Southern California. Things that are light and loaded with avocado make me happy.

He is a self proclaimed "meat and potatoes" man. He loves a good steak with a grilled veggie and a baked potato.

She is two. Her tastes varies from day to day. Who am I kidding it's more like minute to minute. She is not a fan of potatoes so she is obviously not my daughter.

He is a one year old lover of all food. His favorite is banana. I tell people watching the kids that as long as you know where the food is he will be great with you.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


My mother didn't teach me to cook.  This book taught me.  I bought the book, brought it home and opended it up.  I choose a recipe and made it.  That started my love of cooking.  It relives my stress at the end of the day.  Cooking brings me comfort. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Where to Start....

I grew up in a small town.  Three thousand people, small.  My husband grew up in a close knit community, with small town values.  Do we live in a small town...Nope.  We live in Las Vegas.  Sin City! 

We grew up watching our mothers cook and fathers be everything from handyman to car mechanic.  My local high shool had an FFA club.  Most people here don't even know what that is. 

So each day my husband and I try to keep our small town hearts alive in this big city.